Example #9: Audio - A Theremin

An effort to make a Theremin that uses the cursor position on screen to control the volume and frequency of a generated sound.

The sound only plays when the mouse button is down (so it also, kinda, sorta, emulated the “plucking” motion that can allow a Theremin to play distinct notes rather than just a glissando.

Note that if we wanted this to be even more accurate and authentic then there are some extra filters that we’d apply to the signal to match the hardware in a real Theremin. I’d also add a ramp down at the end of the signal to get rid of the click artefact when the sound turns on and off…

var context = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
var oscillator = context.createOscillator();
var volume = context.createGain();
var active = false;

volume.gain.setValueAtTime(0, context.currentTime);



function on(e){
    active = true;
    oscillator.frequency.setValueAtTime(~~(1000*(1-((e.clientY)/window.innerHeight))), context.currentTime);
    volume.gain.setValueAtTime(~~(e.clientX/window.innerWidth*100)/100, context.currentTime);

function play(e){
        oscillator.frequency.setValueAtTime(~~(1000*(1-((e.clientY)/window.innerHeight))), context.currentTime);
        volume.gain.setValueAtTime(~~(e.clientX/window.innerWidth*100)/100, context.currentTime);

function off(e){
    active = false;
    volume.gain.setValueAtTime(0, context.currentTime);

Live Demo

Try out a live demo of the Theremin